Just come back from somewhere ..
I feel very bad ..
I have no choice ..
My only "Liberator" told me ..
Relax ..
Stability your own emotional ..
I just guess ..
Just to give you a psychological preparation ..
But not 100% ..
Take it easy ..
Maintain a cheerful mood ..
You'll be fine ..
Wait after the test ..
Then I'll know the result ..
Well ..
What he said also correct ..
Every time I would give my friends comfort ..
This time I have to give myself hope ..
Do not give up ..:)
Ha ha ..
I really miss my friends' ..
My babies ..
And sure my beloved Chris ..
I was lucky ..
I can be with them ..
Wish to meet all of them ..
Hug all my babies ..
* Huggies * tight tight tight tight ..:(
Hello my blogger ..
Suddenly I do not know what can i write about today already ..
Nothing to say ..
speechless ..=X
Imma stop writing here ..
TarDar ..
Awesome Evening
I just back from dinner with all my dudes..sisy..and my beloved man..=)..
I have a great time with all of them..
They bring me out from the boredom life..
They bring a lot of happiness for me..
I tot I just been there and watch them swimming..
Who's know when i get into the car..
My man ask me why i din bring my swimwear..
Lol..shock me..
He going to teach me how to swim..
Luckily my sisy can borrow me her swimwear..♥..
Thanks sisy..
When i get into the swimming pool..
My heart rate speed up suddenly..
I scare when get into the pool..
It was too deep..
Or im short so i feel that it was deep..?..:(
I learn how to float on the water..
That's funny..
I take time around two hours and more to learn how to float..
Sisy was the only one who encourage me..:D
Suddenly I miss my babe so much..
I wish she was here then we can enjoy together..
Sure more fun and have different spark..♥..
I have a lot of fun at there..
It's been too long i didn't come out exercise dy..
Thanks to bring me there even just a few hours..
Have a awesome night with you all..
Just receive a message from my baby man..
He told me that tomorrow JOGGING..
Im so excited..
After a few min..
My babe msn me said wanna tea with me before she go for her class tomorrow..
It made me more excited and no need sleep tonight..
I full with my activity tomorrow..
Who want to date me must book me earlier ya..:P..(cheeky)
My sisy driving test tomorrow..
Gambateh ya..
Vinsvian Bless You..♥..
Imma sleep early tonight..
Good night blogger..Good night my D..Good night my world..=)
I have a great time with all of them..
They bring me out from the boredom life..
They bring a lot of happiness for me..
I tot I just been there and watch them swimming..
Who's know when i get into the car..
My man ask me why i din bring my swimwear..
Lol..shock me..
He going to teach me how to swim..
Luckily my sisy can borrow me her swimwear..♥..
Thanks sisy..
When i get into the swimming pool..
My heart rate speed up suddenly..
I scare when get into the pool..
It was too deep..
Or im short so i feel that it was deep..?..:(
I learn how to float on the water..
That's funny..
I take time around two hours and more to learn how to float..
Sisy was the only one who encourage me..:D
Suddenly I miss my babe so much..
I wish she was here then we can enjoy together..
Sure more fun and have different spark..♥..
I have a lot of fun at there..
It's been too long i didn't come out exercise dy..
Thanks to bring me there even just a few hours..
Have a awesome night with you all..
Just receive a message from my baby man..
He told me that tomorrow JOGGING..
Im so excited..
After a few min..
My babe msn me said wanna tea with me before she go for her class tomorrow..
It made me more excited and no need sleep tonight..
I full with my activity tomorrow..
Who want to date me must book me earlier ya..:P..(cheeky)
My sisy driving test tomorrow..
Gambateh ya..
Vinsvian Bless You..♥..
Imma sleep early tonight..
Good night blogger..Good night my D..Good night my world..=)
你 不 在
天 空 下 着 绵 绵 细 雨
今 晚 的 夜 空
显 得 特 别 漆 黑
带 有 水 分 的 空 气
把 我 的 身 子 冻 结 了 起 来
在 这 样 乌 漆 漆 什 么 也 没 有 的 夜 空 里
我 特 别 特 别 的 想 念 你
想 念 你 双 手 的 温 度
想 念 你 胸 膛 的 温 暖
想 念 你 给 我 的 安 全 感
你 在 那 里
我 找 不 到 你 的 足 迹
我 需 要 你
但 你 却 不 在 我 身 边
很 多 次
你 的 关 心
都 是 我 从 文 字 里 感 觉 到 的
现 实 生 活 中
你 没 有 完 全 做 到 你 所 说 的
为 什 么 有 时 我 会 忍 不 了 看 着 你 流 起 泪 来
为 什 么 你 问 我 什 么 事 时 我 会 扬 起 嘴 角 向 你 说 没 事
其 实 我 也 不 懂 为 什 么
很 矛 盾 的 说 法
也 许 我 只 是 不 想 你 为 我 担 心
也 许 是 我 想 太 多 了
也 许 有 时 我 心 里 的 要 求 太 高 了
我 得 不 到 我 想 要 的
其 实 我 想 要 的
只 是 你 紧 紧 的 拥 抱
轻 轻 的 一 句
我 一 直 都 在 你 身 边 保 护 你 爱 你
这 样 就 够 了
很 多 时 候
我 需 要 你 时
你 不 在
我 重 复 听 了 好 多 次" 你 不 在" 这 首 歌
它 也 让 我 在 一 夜 里 哭 了 好 几 遍
虽 然 在 我 面 对 着 困 难 的 时 候
你 却 在 另 一 方
开 心 的 庆 祝 你 的 烧 烤 会 和................
我 有 些 不 开 心
但 我 不 会 扫 你 的 兴
我 觉 得 欣 慰 的 是
你 从 来 不 会 欺 骗 我
我 爱 你 :)
男 生 的 欢 乐 时 光
我 们 必 须 要 学 会 习 惯
这 句 话
是 我 的 最 亲 爱 的 宝 贝 敏 告 诉 我 的
谢 谢 你
我 领 悟 了
寒 冷 的 夜 晚
你 不 在
其 实
我 心 里 很 难 受 :(
The more you explain..
the more i get hurt..
but i still want to know..
i care everything that you do..
this holiday..
sit in front on the computer for longer hours..
i miss you..!..
but you dont know..
you enjoy your day full with activity..?..
i still waiting..
waiting a guys come to find me..
he promised..
he will find me call me tonight..
are you still remember..?..
or you forgot already..?..
never mind if you forgot..
i'll be alright.. :)
imma custom with it..
i clear on it..
momo just nothing wad..
i have no power to control your feeling..
what i emo for..
smile is good for me.. :)
smile made me happy..
try my best..
i'm very clear what im thinking cause i am who i am
i love myself..
Hui Wen let's we GO..!
the more i get hurt..
but i still want to know..
i care everything that you do..
this holiday..
sit in front on the computer for longer hours..
i miss you..!..
but you dont know..
you enjoy your day full with activity..?..
i still waiting..
waiting a guys come to find me..
he promised..
he will find me call me tonight..
are you still remember..?..
or you forgot already..?..
never mind if you forgot..
i'll be alright.. :)
imma custom with it..
i clear on it..
momo just nothing wad..
i have no power to control your feeling..
what i emo for..
smile is good for me.. :)
smile made me happy..
try my best..
i'm very clear what im thinking cause i am who i am
i love myself..
Hui Wen let's we GO..!
VNVJ plus G wanna to meet up..
But at the end..
Only VV plus G and Rocky meet up..
N din come J din back..
So sad din meet up with them..
Not bad also la..
Also get fun with GayBin and his friend Rocky..
But more fun with babe V at Oldtown..
Babe V look nice today..
She had her new hair style..
So lovely..♥
Wish we can meet up again..
I had a conversation with Jayden..
He come comment me at my post..
We had a short chat..
After i notice that he delete all the comment..
Left mine..
I saw it and dont know why i so hot temper..
Really DISLIKE that feeling well..
Don comment me if you want to delete it..
Well i think ignore will made me feel better..:)
Got a good news from Jian Wei..
Just now he msn me and told me that he pak tor jor..
They start one week ago..
The girl look pretty white thin..
She is Inti girl too..
Congratulation from me to him..
Almost forgot already..
Miss Blue Nee Nee's birthday is around the corner..
Just received the message said that lot of people wanna give her a surprises when tomorrow dinner..
So lovely..♥
I still dont know even i can join them or not..
I hope that Nee Nee will having a special 18's birthday..
Wish her happy birthday at here first..
May all the dream come true..!
VNVJ plus G wanna to meet up..
But at the end..
Only VV plus G and Rocky meet up..
N din come J din back..
So sad din meet up with them..
Not bad also la..
Also get fun with GayBin and his friend Rocky..
But more fun with babe V at Oldtown..
Babe V look nice today..
She had her new hair style..
So lovely..♥
Wish we can meet up again..
I had a conversation with Jayden..
He come comment me at my post..
We had a short chat..
After i notice that he delete all the comment..
Left mine..
I saw it and dont know why i so hot temper..
Really DISLIKE that feeling well..
Don comment me if you want to delete it..
Well i think ignore will made me feel better..:)
Got a good news from Jian Wei..
Just now he msn me and told me that he pak tor jor..
They start one week ago..
The girl look pretty white thin..
She is Inti girl too..
Congratulation from me to him..
Almost forgot already..
Miss Blue Nee Nee's birthday is around the corner..
Just received the message said that lot of people wanna give her a surprises when tomorrow dinner..
So lovely..♥
I still dont know even i can join them or not..
I hope that Nee Nee will having a special 18's birthday..
Wish her happy birthday at here first..
May all the dream come true..!
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